The Gio Ring: A Very Special Piece

Inspiration can come in many ways, and sometimes it can be from something unexpected like a great meal, a beautiful opera or even an engaging conversation. I have been into white agate lately and my inspiration for this very special piece, the "Gio" ring, comes from the milky color and smooth texture this fabulous gem exudesas well as the clean lines of the geometric shapes of my childhood.

I went with the name "Gio" as a play on word in relation to the geometric shapes that inspired this design.  Circles and triangles and squares all came together in my mind and this design was born. Since black and white is the hottest trend in fashion right now, I thought it would be an appropriate combination for my newest statement ring, and boy was I right. Just look at how the white and black contrast emphazises the clean, crisp lines in the design. Stunning!

I love working on pieces solely made with black diamonds, but I also am very fond of using them as a complementary element in my designs, like I did with this ring.  Black is the perfect companion to any opaque gemstone, because it brings out the smooth nature that most opaques are coveted for, and adds the sparkle and shine element that keeps it interesting.

As you know I always have something to say about the properties of all the gems I work with, and as far as magical properties go, agate is the must have protection stone. It protects from stress, from bad dreams and is said to even protect children from danger. It enables the wearer to distinguish between false friends and true ones. It brings prosperity and creates an appreciation of nature.

Agate derives its name from the river Achates in Sicily. Greek philosophy described this gem as early as 300 B.C. It was the stone of warriors in ancient times. The famous ancient Egyptian scarabs are made of agate. Agates come in many forms and colors and are among the earliest stones used for healing and bringing good luck.

For healing purposes, agate is used to treat dizziness, headaches, as well as skin problems. It is essential that the stone should be in contact with the skin near the organ that needs healing.

This is why jewelry is so great. You can have and wear something beautiful, which is also beneficial. Tired or inflamed eyes may also be alleviated by applying a disk of agate to them. Agate has also been used for countless decades to lessen discomfort experienced during certain days of pregnancy

Like white agate, black diamonds are also a very special gem with their own set of magical properties. I have always loved the exotic magic and allure that black diamonds invoke, and I have worked with them for years in most of my collections. 

A lot of people worry that black diamonds won't be as valuable in the future or that they are too trendy. I say, together with the celestial white agate, that they are pure magic. Scientists even attribute to them extra terrestrial qualities because some of their geological material is only found in space and meteorites. They have even found that black diamonds were formed in a carbon rich supernovae explosion before the formation of the Solar System!

Hope you enjoyed reading about the "Gio" ring, as much as I love sharing with you the history of what I do and the materials I use.

Love Always

Dani K

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