December's Bling: Turquoise
It's the last month of 2013, and even though I had an amazing year both personally and professionally I am so happy to say goodbye to this year. Now that December is upon us, I am going to share with you our bling of the month, the turquoise.

Since ancient times, turquoise has been used by indigenous people of Mexico and the U.S.. Worldwide, turquoise has been coveted for thousands of years, and it is believed to be one of the first minerals ever mined. It is often noted that turquoise has healing properties and a deep metaphysical meaning. People also believe that this gem can reveal the physical and emotional well being of the wearer by the way it changes hues.
These pieces, part of my reimagined "Wanderlust" collection, are inspired by all my travels and, the fusion of different cultures. Turquoise is the perfect gem to work with, since it has been used by many cultures as a talisman for centuries. From Native Americans to Persians, turquoise is an important gemstone historically speaking because it was always present in ancient jewelry. I was known to ward off evil spirits, attract money, and garner success. Its powers also include healing, protection, courage, friendship and luck. And if that doesn't turn you on to this magical gemstone, maybe knowing that it eases tension and relaxes the mind, will.
Turquoise has also inspired many other mythological properties through the centuries. For example it is believed to ward off the evil eye, and protect the wearer from falling or a fall. Some people believe it can help cure depression. Whatever the reason you choose, make sure you buy it from a reputable jewelry dealer. Because it is a popular gem, it is also one that is often imitated.
If you already have turquoise jewelry or are thinking of spoiling yourself with pieces such as the ones above, make sure you care for it adequately. Even though it is a summer gem, make sure you don't expose it to direct sunlight for too long. This might actually discolor and dehydrate the turquoise, making it brittle. Perfume, sunscreen and cosmetics can also attack the finish of turquoise, so watch out! Take extra care when wearing this or any other type of gemstone.
Hope you had fun with December's birthstone, and my designs. I love working with turquoise because it is so very versatile, and I think it shows. Here it is with amazing blue lapis and diamonds and blue sapphires. Enjoy!

Love Always
Dani K